In the movie “ WE CAN BE HEROES”, the heroes of the story aren’t the adults, but the kids. And even if you’re not a “kid”, this message is still for you.
Hero: one who shows great courage, a person admired for achievements and noble qualities (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
In the recent posts about heroes, we’ve talked about how:
the number one hero is Jesus
Heroes 01- Jesus
we can be a team in our family (spiritual or biological) to accomplish our missions and goals in life
Heroes 02- Justice League
we have gifts, talent, and skills that are meant to help us live a purposeful life for God’s glory
Heroes 03- XMen
So now, we will talk about you. Yes, you. You can be a “hero” to someone by being a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or an encouraging word. Little do you know how the things you say, think, and do affect the way people not only see you but experience you.
And I think that that’s what’s more important in life. Not how people know us or see us but how they experience us. It’s like our relationship with God. Technically, you can’t have a relationship with Him, or anyone, if you don’t experience them. So basically, if we want to grow in a deeper relationship with God to grow deeper roots for ourselves, then we can’t just know Him or see what He does. We have to experience Him for ourselves.
It’s the experiences that leave an impact on people. Not the way we look or the things we have.
Now the first thing we can get from this movie is:
What matters more is the way people encounter you in the day-to-day, not the way people see you on stage. For anyone can be a hero to someone, no matter the age.
There were eleven kids in this movie who knew their powers but not what to do with them. Do you ever feel like that? Knowing that you want to do something, be someone, or live a certain way and you just don’t know how to start? Well, here’s a jumpstarts for you.
“But he said to me, ‘I will be kind to you and I will help you. That will be enough for you. When you are weak, I will show that I am completely powerful to help you.’ So, I am happy to be proud about my weakness. Then I know that Christ’s power will be with me.”
2 Corinthians 12:9 (EASY)
“No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Joshua 1:5 (NIV)
Now once these kids were put in danger, they realized that they had to step in and be heroes, even if they were young. And sometimes your skills and talents shine brightest in the dark, showing themselves when pressure, heat, and time are working together to get you going. And that’s okay. Sometimes we need those seasons to help us get on track and take the steps of faith and courage that help us accomplish the mission.
If we want to achieve our goals, accomplish the plan, or live out the purpose, then we have to grow in teamwork. And that means, no matter the differences, we all have a part to play.
Another thing to notice from the movie is that these kids formed a team and friendship. They learned to trust each other and use their powers for the team. They had different parts to play, but working as one helped them get the job done. And in life, there are people (specifically family) that we need to work with.
“As a result, God has given you every spiritual gift that you need. God has blessed you with those gifts as you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to return.
God will also keep you safe and strong until the end. Then, on the day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns, you will not be guilty of anything wrong.”
1 Corinthians 1:7-8 (EASY)
“A person’s body does not have only one part. It has many parts.”
1 Corinthians 12:14 (EASY)
Lastly, these kids had supportive parents who not only passed down the training and powers, but who also loved and believed in them.
To the parents: Love your children in word and action. The best things you can pass on to them are the things unseen by the human eyes but felt by the human heart. Loving your children, praying for them, helping them grow in faith, discipling their actions, treasuring their gifts, appreciating their effort, and even having a good talk are things that leave a lasting impact.
To the children (as long as you have parents, you’re still a child to them): Love your parents then everyone else and show it in word and deed. The best gifts you can give back to your parents are also the things unseen to the physical eyes. Respect, honor, obedience, appreciation... And this goes to everyone else too.
Yes, we have to be discerning and wise about who we talk to and who we let into our lives but we also have to love without limits as Jesus did. It may take more courage to love during the hard days or love someone you don’t think deserves love, and yet, mustering all the courage you have to do something unexpectedly good for others and the future is what heroes do.
“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”
Romans 12:9 (NIV)
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
“We can be heroes.” But will you choose to accept the mission?